Think a post-storm lawnmower run is no big deal?

Damage can be unavoidable when attempting to mow a wet lawn. This is why we do not mow wet turf. No matter the experience level or the grade of the mower, accidents happen and damage to a once manicured lawn is the result. Tires from a lawnmower, as well as any walking traffic, can easily sink into saturated areas leave ruts and uprooting the grass plant. This can be expensive to fix and may involve seed or sod depending on the severity of the damage. This picture was taken after a customer insisted that we mow his grass and we had them send us a release form because we knew it was too wet.
Clumping is another result of mowing the lawn while it is wet. Clumping is not only bad for the lawnmower and consumes more time because of bogging down or dyeing altogether, but it is also bad for the lawn. A lawn does not grow properly when it is covered or blocked. A large clump of clippings lying on top of the lawn can result in the death of the plant.
This is why we do not mow wet turf.

Often, it’ll actually do more harm than good.

This is why we do not mow wet turf

Some landscapers mow when it is wet and that’s ok. We are not other landscapers. It might take us a week to catch up but we would rather lose money than damaging your lawn.